vCoolture provides all the functionality of the audio-guides in a more intuitive and flexible way. However, that is only your starting point since it can offer much more information such as: videos, rich text, points of interest within the works. And also: connection with social networks, tours, search for work arts and a lot of very useful options.
vCoolture uses positioning technology by iBeacons. These are small beacons, the size of a large coin, that continuously emit a Bluetooth signal that is identified by the vCoolture App and allows you to know the position of the visitor and place him in a hall. QR-Codes that museum can place in all its halls can also be used for this same purpose.
vCoolture App a priori does not have any data from any museum, as it is really a platform for any museum that wants to join. All the information is centralized and is obtained from the Internet or a private cloud when the App is started. The existence of a WIFI service offered by the museum is recommended, but not essential.